Monday, August 19, 2013


      I've been a little slow about getting things posted to the blog lately, so some of these pictures are already a couple months old.  In the last 3 months, we have celebrated 3 birthdays.  We call it the "birthday season" because from June to August, it seems we're constantly planning for or celebrating someone's birthday. 
Michaela's 12th Birthday
Michaela's birthday comes 1st on June 15th.  She didn't have a large party this year because there just wasn't time to plan it.  We had only been home from our trip up the East coast for a few days, when her birthday arrived.  She also shares her birthday with Father's Day weekend so it can be a little difficult to fit everything in.  She didn't mind though.  All she wanted was to have a couple of friends over for a sleepover. 
 Michaela got lots of pretty things this year.  It seems we all had the same ideas for her gifts:  jewelry, purses, and books. 

Pawpaw came over to see Michaela so we had a joint celebration: 
 Father's Day & Michaela's Birthday
We made huge ice cream sundae's with fresh chocolate chip cookie bowls. 

Michaela really likes to bake now so I gave her this cute apron on her birthday.  Instead of a birthday cake, she helped me make cupcakes for her and her friends to decorate.  
The girls had a great time learning how to make different designs with the icing.  I think they did a wonderful job.  Future Cake Decorators in Training!

One of Michaela's cupcakes.

More cupcakes the girls decorated.
Isaiah's 14th Birthday
     Isaiah turned 14 on July 26th.  He had one request for his birthday.....a trip to Mawmaw and Pawpaw's house.  He actually wanted to go and stay for a week, but he had to settle for a weekend.  We invited some friends and family over for a Friday evening meal and he had a great time.  He loves breakfast food so we made waffles with lots of fruit toppings, scrambled eggs, bacon, and hashbrown casserole. 
(This picture was actually taken a few days before his birthday, but it was so good I had to include it)

Wow!  Look at that plate! 

Isaiah's friend, Lydia, helping out in the kitchen.  

Aunt Heather came over to help too. 
Mawmaw mixing up some more waffle batter.

 Cute Cousins: Savanna and Jaden
He got a new Bible from Mawmaw and Pawpaw and an air rifle from us.  

Isaiah requested an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen.  It was delicious!!!

What a CUTIE!

Playing games with friends after dinner. 

The next day, Pawpaw got out the 4-wheeler and the kids had a blast riding it.  It had rained the day before so the ground was plenty muddy.  They didn't care though.....I think that made it more fun!

Look at those muddy legs!!!
Opening his gift from Minnie at home. He got a new sander to use when making his birdhouses.  He's already used it quite a bit. 




Jeremiah's 9th Birthday
 Jeremiah was anxious for his birthday to arrive this year.  His birthday is August 18th and he has to watch the other two celebrate first.  I think the suspense was almost too much for him this time. He started counting down the days about 3 weeks prior to his birthday. 
 I decided to have an outdoor party for him and a few of his friends.  I wasn't too excited about having a bunch of 8-10 year old boys running around my house so we went to the YMCA in Kings Mountain for a Friday evening party.  They have a great playground and a very nice picnic shelter.  It worked out great and even the weather cooperated!  Although it had been cloudy and rainy all day, the sky cleared up about an hour before the party started and kids were able to play until dark.  Jeremiah had a blast!

He got lots of fun stuff like Nerf footballs, camo boots and clothes, a cowboy rifle,
a Toys R Us gift card, and lots of $$$



I think this may have been his favorite gift! This child absolutely LOVES chewing gum!  I couldn't resist buying this 12 pack for him at Sam's Club.


Jeremiah doesn't really like regular cake and icing.  He wanted an ice cream cake but it would have melted so we settled on a cookie cake instead.  

Pawpaw had to get in on the fun too!

Boys will be boys!!!  At one point, we looked up and saw Jeremiah on top of the slide, not in the slide.  Michael yelled for him to get down but he was stuck.  Luckily Michael came to his rescue and helped him down off the slide.  I think Jeremiah was just a little embarrassed that it happened in front of his buddies.  :-)
We saved most of our presents until Sunday morning, since it was Jeremiah's actual birthday.  Here he is on his new bicycle.  I think the smile says it all!!!