Monday, April 29, 2013

And We're Off!!!

It's official, our adventure has begun!

Initially we were planning to pull out today, Monday, but after reading the weather reports and checking on traffic conditions, we left on Sunday afternoon. It was a messy start to the trip.  The rain just wouldn't stop and we got quite wet doing the final packing and hooking up the Jeep.  Our plan was to drive as far as we could and then park overnight at a Walmart or truck stop.   Unfortunately we ran into heavy fog near Fancy Gap, VA and had to pull into a KOA campground.  It was about 9:00 by then. Things got a little stressful because the fog was so thick that we could hardly see more than 10 feet in front of us. Michael said it was like driving blindfolded.  After maneuvering the RV very carefully around the campground to a site we had chosen, we saw it was already taken. Oops!  This campground is one way in and one way out so there was no way we could circle back around and find another spot. We ended up having to unhook the Jeep so Michael could back up and get into a different site. Isaiah and I helped guide him in using the Jeep headlights and Isaiah's trusty pocket flashlight. I'm sure the other campers there had a few laughs at our expense. We definitely didn't look like we knew what we were doing. 

So, after a decent night's sleep, we got up and got back on the road to Washington DC.  The weather is much better today, cool and cloudy but no rain.  Thank the Lord!  
We will be staying at Cherry Hill Campground just north of DC for the next few days. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Our "Home Away From Home"

For the next 6 weeks, we will call the RV our "home".  Here's what it looks like.



While we are away, a friend of ours, Jonathan Anderson, will be house sitting for us.  He came by the other day for a visit. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Final Preparations - Part 2

   There is only 1 week left until we leave and we still have to finalize a few things.  It's time to get busy doing some serious packing!  Hopefully we will have it all finished and ready to go with a few days to spare so we won't be so stressed out. 
   This week we'll take the RV out to fill it up with Diesel and top off the LP gas tank.  Michael says it's time for me to learn how to drive the RV, so I'll be taking it out for a test drive.  Let's just hope it's still in one piece when I'm done!     

A few things we've accomplished recently:
     - Practiced removing the Jeep's top and doors, and took a fun ride in it while they were off.
     - Cleaned the inside of the RV.
     - Mapped out storage compartments and cabinets in the RV.
     - Started stocking the kitchen with dishes and non-perishable food.
     - Packed all of Jeremiah's clothes and most of Michaela's

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Final Preparations - Part 1

     We've been quite busy over the last week trying to make final preparations for the trip.  Food has been cooked, the new GPS has been tested, new RV batteries have been purchased, credit card companies have been notified of our travels, and extra RV keys have been made.  We've also arranged for someone to mow our grass at home and at the office while we are away.
     While we are away, my mother, Linda Jackson, will celebrate Mother's Day and her 60th birthday.  Since I won't be here to celebrate with her, I planned a fun and relaxing day for her last Friday in honor of these special occasions.  My sister, Lisa Mckinnon, my sister-in-law, Heather Jackson, and my aunt, Barbara Andrews all joined us for our outing.  We spent the day on Main Street in Hendersonville, NC.  We enjoyed breakfast at a coffee shop, got manicures and pedicures, ate a delicious lunch at Mountain Deli, celebrated with red velvet cupcakes, and acted like teenagers riding in the Jeep with the T-tops off.  It was a hilarious sight to see all of us ladies with our hair blowing in the wind and laughing hysterically. 

Doesn't she look happy!

Breakfast at Black Bear Coffee


Ready to go Joy-Riding!


Monday, April 8, 2013

3 weeks and counting...

    Just 3 weeks until we leave and we are all getting so excited!  Now that most of the planning is done, we are eager for the trip to begin.  Over the weekend, we made reservations at several campgrounds we plan to stay at.  We also decided on and purchased the RV GPS and portable grill.  Both are necessities for this trip. 
    Now its time to start planning and prepping easy meals for the trip.  We plan to cook and freeze some things like baked pasta, tortilla soup, and chili for quick healthy meals on the go.  We've also made a list of simple meal ideas so that trips to the grocery store can be kept to a minimum.  The last thing we want to do is spend all of our time trying to find a place to buy groceries. 
    We are currently having the RV serviced to make sure it is "road ready" for such a long trip.  The tow package has also been installed on it as well as the Jeep.  Hopefully we will be able to pick up both vehicles early this week.  Our next task is to start deciding on where to store all of our supplies while traveling.  The RV has about 10 exterior locking bins where we can store everything from cleaning supplies to extra clothes and shoes.  We plan to make a map of the bins so that we can easily find what we are looking for. 

 These are some of the campgrounds we will be staying at.

Bar Harbor Maine Oceanside

The Ovens Natural Park, Nova Scotia

                  Cape Breton KOA, Nova Scotia       
 Twin Mountain KOA, New Hampshire