Sunday, April 21, 2013

Final Preparations - Part 2

   There is only 1 week left until we leave and we still have to finalize a few things.  It's time to get busy doing some serious packing!  Hopefully we will have it all finished and ready to go with a few days to spare so we won't be so stressed out. 
   This week we'll take the RV out to fill it up with Diesel and top off the LP gas tank.  Michael says it's time for me to learn how to drive the RV, so I'll be taking it out for a test drive.  Let's just hope it's still in one piece when I'm done!     

A few things we've accomplished recently:
     - Practiced removing the Jeep's top and doors, and took a fun ride in it while they were off.
     - Cleaned the inside of the RV.
     - Mapped out storage compartments and cabinets in the RV.
     - Started stocking the kitchen with dishes and non-perishable food.
     - Packed all of Jeremiah's clothes and most of Michaela's

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