Friday, February 14, 2014

Play day in the SNOW!

Well, Isaiah's prayers were finally answered!  The skies cooperated and dropped almost 8 inches of snow and sleet on us between Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning.  Gastonia looks rather pretty as a winter wonderland.

This is what it looked like at our house just after sunrise this morning. 


After breakfast, we went for a walk around the neighborhood.  We tried to find a place to sled but the snow was too fluffy at that time.  Michaela found a better use for the snow.  What a popsicle! 

 Isn't this a peaceful scene.  I love how the snow makes everyday things seem so magical.  Wouldn't mind it if this pasture was in my backyard.

 Michael and Isaiah helped rescue a cop who was trying in vain to get out of his yard.  A few good pushes got him on his way. 
 The long walk home.....those hills sure are tiring in the snow.  We all got our exercise today.
Our boxer, Cheyenne, enjoyed playing in the snow also.

Yum, yum....hope my tongue doesn't stick!
Time to build the snowmen. 

That ball of snow is almost as big as Jeremiah.
 I think this is the biggest snowman Isaiah has ever built.  Jeremiah did a great job building his own snowman!

After a nice warm lunch of chili and corn bread, we ventured out in the Jeep to see how things looked in town.  The roads were mostly clear and there was a decent amount of traffic even though most of the businesses were still closed. 

Hmm...wonder why we don't have any customers today???

The highlight of the day was the sledding at a local golf course near our house.  When we went out for a drive, we took the sleds with us just in case we found a good place.  The golf course was a perfect spot with its long bumpy hills. 

There we several other families sledding also.  One of them let us borrow their inner tube.  The boys had a blast on it.  Just take a look at some of these wipeouts!

Check out this ride!  Both boys went flying when they hit the jump.  Jeremiah got the breath knocked out of him.  He was a little more cautious the next time he came down the hill!

Can you see the fear on his face???

After the boys finished sledding, we drove over to check on the horses just before dark.  They were doing fine and they really enjoyed the apples we brought them for a treat.

Buddy is always the first to come and greet us.  Here he was looking over Michael's shoulder while he was getting something out of the Jeep. 

Michaela was getting some kisses from Rio and another horse in the pasture, Pobre. 

Rio getting some lovin' from Michael.  He was enjoying having his face rubbed. 

 Jeremiah and Michael feeding them the apples we brought.

I love this picture.  It looks like Rio is smiling at Michael.  He was really just looking for more apple in his hand.