Monday, January 9, 2017

SNOW much FUN!

On Sunday morning, conditions were just right for sledding.  The boys (including Michael) spent a couple hours slipping and sliding on the hill in our upper pasture.  Going down is great, but coming back up is a work out!  Maybe we need to install a ski lift before next year!!!

Wahoo!  Here we go!

So...Isaiah ended up popping two tubes!  Needless to say, we weren't too happy about that.  He was banished to the sled after this ride!

Isaiah anticipating a crash at the bottom of the hill.

Isaiah and Jeremiah - 1st place in the Sheffield Bobsled race!

Michael smiling for the camera as he comes in with a close 2nd place!   

Such determination and excitement on that face!

Can I get a little help here???
The Human Doughnut!

Even the cat tried to get in on the fun!

A make-shift snowboard......I'm not so sure this is a good idea!

Oops!!!  wipeout

Isaiah taking the easy way down

Click below for one of Isaiah's rides down the hill.

Too worn out to move!

Click below for a little clip of the snowball fight.

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