Monday, April 8, 2013

3 weeks and counting...

    Just 3 weeks until we leave and we are all getting so excited!  Now that most of the planning is done, we are eager for the trip to begin.  Over the weekend, we made reservations at several campgrounds we plan to stay at.  We also decided on and purchased the RV GPS and portable grill.  Both are necessities for this trip. 
    Now its time to start planning and prepping easy meals for the trip.  We plan to cook and freeze some things like baked pasta, tortilla soup, and chili for quick healthy meals on the go.  We've also made a list of simple meal ideas so that trips to the grocery store can be kept to a minimum.  The last thing we want to do is spend all of our time trying to find a place to buy groceries. 
    We are currently having the RV serviced to make sure it is "road ready" for such a long trip.  The tow package has also been installed on it as well as the Jeep.  Hopefully we will be able to pick up both vehicles early this week.  Our next task is to start deciding on where to store all of our supplies while traveling.  The RV has about 10 exterior locking bins where we can store everything from cleaning supplies to extra clothes and shoes.  We plan to make a map of the bins so that we can easily find what we are looking for. 

 These are some of the campgrounds we will be staying at.

Bar Harbor Maine Oceanside

The Ovens Natural Park, Nova Scotia

                  Cape Breton KOA, Nova Scotia       
 Twin Mountain KOA, New Hampshire

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