Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Israel Trip - Travel & Day 1

     Michael and I were blessed to have the opportunity to visit Israel recently for a tour of the Holy Land.  We had a wonderful trip!  The pictures don't tell the whole story but they will give you a glimpse of our experience. 

   Our trip began on May 24th.  We flew from Charlotte, NC to JFK airport in NY.  From NY, we took a direct flight to Tel Aviv, Israel.  It was a long flight, about 11 hours, but we survived. 

Ready for the journey!  Waiting for takeoff - next stop Tel Aviv!

Arrival in Israel

Waiting in line at passport control.  Took us at least an hour to get through it.  So thankful they didn't give us a hard time.

Our motel for the first two nights was located on the Mediterranean Sea just north of Tel Aviv.  It was within walking distance to the beach.  The following pictures are from the motel property and the nearby beach.


We found McDonalds!  Yay!  We had to celebrate with ice cream.


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