Saturday, January 7, 2017

First Snow of 2017!

The snow totals may have been way below what was forecast, but it's still beautiful!  Spending a little down time today enjoying God's creation covered in a blanket of snow.

Isaiah and Jeremiah, ready to take a spin in the snow.

Risking life and limb out on the road to see what's happening in the world around us!

Michaela - the back seat driver - playing the part of the lookout for cars.

Mr. Tinker - one of our lovable and sweet kitties.

Michaela and Michael enjoying a friendly snowball fight.  

They called a truce.

This is Diesel.  He's our Great Dane mix.

This is our boxer, Finn.  

Michael's horse.....Rio

Jeremiah attempting to sled in the pasture.  

Our Nubian goats....Hallie (on the left) and Asher (on the right).   They weren't too sure about coming out in the snow but we coaxed them out some grain.  

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The Sweetheart Swing  :-)

Our favorite view on the property.

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