Saturday, June 1, 2013

Prince Edward Island (PEI)

We arrived on Prince Edward Island on Wednesday evening around 4:00.  The lady at the visitor's center gave us information about a campground we could stay at for the night since our KOA reservations were not until the following day.  The campground was part of the National Park system on the East shore of the island.  We got to the campground a few minutes after 5:00 and it was already closed but some other campers said we could pick a site and just check in with the staff in the morning.  The campground was very nice with a beautiful view of the Brudenell river.  We didn't stay long though because we wanted to head north to visit Singing Sands beach before dark.  We found a Tim Horton's nearby, got some sandwiches for a quick dinner (and donuts for dessert), and ate them on the way to the beach.  The drive was very scenic.  Much of the area is agricultural because the soil here is so rich with nutrients.  They grow lots of potatoes here as well as strawberries, apples, grapes, asparagus, and more.  The farms stretch out all the way to the ocean.  It seems strange to see the fields with the ocean in the background.  Below you'll see grape vineyards and the ocean.  It's really beautiful here.  I love the contrasting colors of the red soil, the green fields, the yellow dandelions, and the blue water! 

Singing sands beach gets its name from the sound the sand makes when you walk on it.  I wouldn't exactly call it "singing" but it does make sort of a "squeaking" sound.  We were told that it is because the sand has such fine granules.  It was pretty cold and windy but we stayed on the beach for over an hour.  The kids were so excited to be out of the RV and they were eager to find some good shells.  By the time we left, all of us had frozen fingers and toes but it was worth it.  We found lots of sand dollars and a couple of large shells. 

Michaela had fun drawing in the sand and decorating it with the shells she found.  She put PEI for Prince Edward Island and her foot prints.  I thought it was really cute. 

The picture below shows a river that flows into the ocean at this beach.  I thought it was interesting because one side of the river has a white sand beach and other side has a the famous red sand beach. 

We stayed at the beach until it was getting dark.  The colors in the sky reminded me of watercolor paint. 

Since we had such a successful shell hunt the day before at Singing Sands beach, Michael wanted to go back the next day.  We followed the GPS to a road that led to a beach area that is supposed to be popular for starfish.  We didn't find any starfish but we did find a really muddy road.  Isaiah was all into that and begged his daddy to drive fast in the mud leaving the beach.  I took a video on my iPhone for your enjoyment! I don't know if my Jeep will ever be the same.   I guess Isaiah gets to wash it now!


We went to a couple of lighthouses on the East shore that day also.  This one is at Panmure Island. It  was fenced in so we couldn't get close to it but I still enjoyed the view. 

This lighthouse is at the Northern tip of the island at East Point.  This area is unique because 3 bodies of water meet here making the water choppy;  the Atlantic ocean, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and the Northumberland Strait.

On Friday, we drove North to Cavendish and the Anne of Green Gables Heritage Place.  We passed the farms below on the drive over and they were so pretty and serene that I had to stop and take a picture. 

We all enjoyed the visit to Green Gables.  We toured the barn and the house and walked the two trails on the property.  After our visit, we stopped at a store nearby and Michaela got the set of Anne of Green Gables books and a small Anne doll.  She's looking forward to reading the series and now that she's been to Green Gables the stories will come to life for her. 

The kids enjoyed the trails through the woods.  They had fun making boats and floating them in the creek.  I loved seeing their reflections in the water. 

Michaela decided she wanted to change her hair color....what do you think about her as a red head???  I think she looks pretty cute!
We went to a local restaurant for lunch and I had the lobster roll.  It was so good!  It's basically what we would call seafood salad, but with only lobster meat.  It is served cold on a warm sub roll.  My mouth is watering now just thinking about it.  The fries are grown on PEI and were cut fresh just before they were cooked.  We saw the cook putting them in the slicer.  They were a ton better than McDonald's fries!
Back to another beach for a little while.  It was finally warm enough to go without our jackets.  I think it got up to the mid 70's that day.  That was a nice change for us.  The water was chilly but the kids didn't mind.  I think they would have stayed there for the rest of the day if we had let them, but we wanted to head back to the campground before it got too late so we only stayed for about an hour.
One interesting fact is that almost every beach on PEI is part of the National Park system and requires a fee to enter.  Since the parks are not officially open for the season, we didn't have to pay and could still access the beach, but all of the restroom facilities are still closed. 


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