Saturday, May 4, 2013

Baltimore, MD & Lancaster, PA

Yesterday, we left DC and drove to Baltimore to visit Fort McHenry.  During the War of 1812, at the conclusion of a major battle with the British, Francis Scott Key was inspired to write the words to the Star Spangled Banner when he saw the American flag still flying at this fort.  We enjoyed walking around the property and watching the film about the battles that occurred in that area.  We left the area early, around 2:00, at the advice of a local.  Traffic is pretty fierce getting out of Baltimore and it was Friday on top of that.  We followed the RV GPS directions and it took us down some very busy city streets.  We got a some dirty looks and more than a few drivers shared their frustration with us by blowing their horn.

A few pictures from Fort McHenry

Finally we got out of Baltimore and headed towards Lancaster, PA.  It was nice to get out of the city and into farmland.  The views are absolutely beautiful in this area.  We arrived at the campground in Elizabethtown, PA (between Hershey and Lancaster) around 5:00.  After setting up camp and eating a quick dinner, we caught up on our laundry and took a walk around the campground.  This is a very nice place for children.  They have a fishing pond, basketball court, volleyball court, ping pong, horseshoes, and a playground. 

Today, we drove into Lancaster and visited some of the local shops, bakeries, and a farmer's market.  We tried shoofly pie and bought some local made fudge.  We also stopped at an Amish roadside stand and bought Amish friendship bread and sticky buns from a young Amish girl.  We got off the beaten path and drove around some of the Amish farms.  We saw men plowing their fields, women working in the garden, and children at play.  This is such a beautiful and peaceful area. 

Pictures from Lancaster


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