Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Plymouth, MA

     There hasn't been an opportunity to post anything over the last few days so I'll try to go back and catch up to where we are now. 
     We were still in Cape Cod on Sunday, Mother's Day, but the weather was bad so we didn't do very much.  After breakfast, we watched a church service online and then went into town to find a laundrymat.  It took us a little while to find it and then even longer to finish the laundry.  We had a lot to catch up and the machines were so slow!  The rain cleared up before dinner and we were able to get out the grill for the first time.  Up to this point, it has either been raining at dinner time or we have been out sight seeing.  We grilled marinated pork chops and had green beans, Zataran's red beans and rice, and french bread along with it.  It was delicious!  Finally, something we were used to.
     On Monday, we closed up camp as quickly as possible and drove straight to Plymouth.  It's about one hour from the Cape area.  We took a couple of hours and walked to Plymouth Rock and some of the other historic locations in this small coastal town.  There is a very old cemetery on top of a big hill where the original fort was.  Some of the tombstones dated back to the mid 1700's.  Isaiah enjoyed reading them. 

Plymouth Rock - The actual rock has been chipped and broken over the years so it is much smaller than it's original size.  What is left of it is protected by the memorial you see below. 

The Grist Mill - There is a Herring ladder on the opposite side of the building and the fish "run" this ladder during the spring.  We were told they were "running" last weekend.  Wish we could have seen that.
The Cemetery

The view of the harbor from the cemetery.  This is the hill where the original fort would have been.

When we left Plymouth, we drove into Boston and camped overnight.  I'll write about that in my next blog.

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