Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sights from the city

     We arrived at Liberty Harbor RV park yesterday around 12:30.  The drive in was a little crazy but we made it without any dents or scratches and only a couple of people got annoyed with us.  We got settled in and headed into Manhattan around 1:30.  We did our best to do as much as possible yessterday because the weather was supposed to be bad today.  We started at the World Trade Center memorial and then walked to Battery Park to board the Staten Island Ferry.  Liberty Island is not open due to storm damage from Hurricane Sandy, but the ferry takes you fairly near so we were able to take some good pictures. 
     After we rode the ferry, we took the subway to the Empire State Building.  We rode the subway in Washington DC enough to become familiar with it, but this is a whole different world.  The subways are confusing and very dirty.  None of us liked it. 
     Isaiah and I were the only two that went to the observation deck of the Empire State Building.  Jeremiah and Michaela were not interested in going to the top so Michael took them into some stores for a little while.  They went into the world's largest store, Macy's.  The view from the top of the Empire State building was amazing.  You really get a good idea of how large the city is from that perspective. 
     When we finished at the Empire State building, it was almost dark so we headed to Times Square to see the lights.  That place is so full of advertisements and people that it's hard to stay focused on anything.  We didn't care for it at all.  The kids spotted the huge Toy's R Us there and we went inside for a little while.  The store is so big that they have a Ferris wheel inside.  The boys enjoyed looking in the Lego section at all of the enormous models there. 
    Finally we headed back to the RV around 9:30.  The subways were crowded and we had to stand almost the whole way back.  Once we got to our stop, it was a 5 block walk back to the RV.  After showering at the bath house (Yuck!), we eventually crawled into bed around midnight.  Enough of this big city.....we're ready to get out of here!

Today, we will go back into Manhattan for a little while to see a couple of shops and hopefully walk through Central Park.  We'll be pulling out tomorrow and heading toward the Cape Cod Seashore. 

Lady Liberty

World Trade Center Memorial

Remembering the lost

 View of Manhattan from Staten Island Ferry

View of Lower Manhattan from Empire State Building

 Isaiah on top of the world!

Looking toward Brooklyn

Looking West across the Hudson towards New Jersey

 Sea Gull standing guard over the harbor

Shopping anyone???
 Times Square police

In the subway at Times Square

 Look at all the lights!!

 Isaiah with NYPD cops

Inside the Times Square Toys R Us

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