Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Cabot Trail, Cape Breton Highlands National Park

Today we left our campground in Cape Breton and headed towards Prince Edward Island.  We are taking the Northumberland Ferry called Holiday Island from Caribou, Nova Scotia to Wood Islands, Prince Edward Island (PEI).  We have WiFi on the ferry so I'm finally able to update the blog.  This ferry is huge.  I've never seen a ferry that could accommodate so many large vehicles.  There are at least 15 semi trucks on board as well as many cars and, of course,  RV's.  It is approximately 14 miles to PEI and it will take about an hour and 15 minutes to cross.  We will be there for about 3 days before coming back into the US. 

Yesterday, we spent a wonderful day communing with nature.  We drove around the island of Cape Breton on the famous Cabot Trail.  This loop around the island is filled with spectacular views of both the mountains and the sea.  We started our day with a hike on the Skyline trail.  We wanted to be on the trail around 8:00 to give us a greater chance of seeing a lot of wildlife so we got up at 5:30 in the morning.  It was about a 2 hour drive to the start of the trail so we actually got there and started hiking around 9:00.  The trail is 5.7 miles round trip and we walked all of it.  We were pretty tired when we finished the walk but it was all worth it because we got to see a moose!  Michael spotted it not too far off the trail.  It was lying under a large tree and eating grass.  We were able to get close enough to get some good pictures with the zoom lens but we made sure to keep enough distance to not scare him.  We didn't want to end up as his dinner!

After we finished the trail, we had a picnic lunch in the Jeep.  We were all too cold from the hike to eat outside.  I forgot to mention that the hike took us over 3 hours and the temperature was in the low 40's.  It was overcast and windy so didn't have any heat from the sun either.  Once we finished lunch, we took our time driving the rest of the trail, stopping at various overlooks along the way.  We found a pretty beach and took a little break there looking for sea shells and just enjoying the beauty.  We had the special treat of seeing a couple of eagles flying around on the shoreline.  Isaiah said it was such a beautiful place that he could have stayed there forever.  I would imagine there will be places like this in heaven!

The boys had wonderful time playing at the stream that ran into the ocean on this beach.  It was full of small stones just right for throwing. 
The ferry we are on.

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