Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Digby, Nova Scotia

This morning we started the day off with breakfast at McDonalds and then drove into the community of Digby.  This town is famous for it's sea scallops.  The little wharf below is often completely filled with scallop boats.  Today, most were out fishing so there were only a few to see.  I love the reflection of the boats on the water. 


We had lunch in town at a little restaurant that overlooked the wharf.  Business was slow so we had the waitress all to ourselves.  She was very friendly and told us all about the area.  She also showed us a collection of scallop shells in the restaurant and gave us a sample taste of some caught locally.  They were delicious!  Tomorrow, we plan to buy some fresh scallops at a local fish market and cook them ourselves.  Yum!

We finished lunch around 2:00 and decided to drive out on the little strip of land known as "Digby Neck".  We planned to drive to the end and then back stopping at a few neat places along the way.  Plans changed when we ran into road construction and two timed ferries.  There are two areas along the strip that require a ferry crossing.  These ferries only cross once per hour so we waited about 40 minutes to cross the first one.  By the time we got to the other side, it was after 4:30.  We were planning to go on to the very tip of the strip but that would have required us to cross the other ferry and then come all the way back crossing both ferries again.  Since the day was almost over and there were no places to eat our there, we decided it would be best to head back to the RV.  

We passed this little cove and just had to stop and take a picture.  The houses are sitting right at the top of the rocky shore.

We stopped at another little cove and took this picture.  The tide was starting to come in.  You can see how high the tide normally comes up by the green algae marks on the rocks. 

Took these two pictures while waiting for the ferry.

Even though we were rushed for time to get back to the ferry, we decided we couldn't leave the area without at least going to see the famous Balancing Rock.  What we didn't know was that the trail to get to it was about 1.5 miles long (one way), through a bog, and finished with almost 300 steps down to the shore.  To top it all off, it started raining while we were walking the trail.  It was definitely more adventure and either Michael or I were looking for but the kids didn't seem to mind it.  Isaiah said, "Now this is what I call vacation".  Maybe it would have been a little more fun if we had been in mud boots and rain coats.  I had on white tennis shoes and we had one umbrella.  We were pretty wet by the time we got back to the car but I'm sure we'll remember that walk for a while.

I couldn't resist getting this shot.  Michael and Michaela were struggling to get a piece of the rock for a souvenir.  I'm just glad he didn't slip over the edge!

The famous Balancing Rock.

We finally got back into Digby around 7:30.  We went back to the Walmart, picked up the RV and drove to a campground called Jagger's Point.  They have a very good Internet signal so I should be able to keep up with the blog.  We will stay here tonight and tomorrow night and then move on the the south shore of Nova Scotia.  It's supposed to be raining tomorrow so we'll probably use the time to catch up on laundry and rest a little. 

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