Thursday, May 9, 2013

Central Park, FAO Schwarz, and American Girl Place

Yesterday started out rainy and cold but finally cleared up enough to move about by late afternoon.  We headed back into Manhattan to visit the last of the things on our "must-see" list.  We started at Central Park and spent a couple hours there enjoying the one peaceful area in this very busy city.  

The famous Bow Bridge

What a peaceful setting!


      The Bethesda Fountain


Central Park Mall, after a rain shower....absolutely beautiful!

The two worlds collide...the city looms over Central Park.


After walking through the park, we had a good time shopping in the FAO Schwarz.  We bought a couple of neat toys and the kids had a chance to try out the BIG piano. 

Michaela's wish finally came true with a visit to the American Girl Place.  Michael and the boys took the opportunity to sit and relax while Michaela and I shopped.  She picked out two complete outfits and a cute T-shirt that is sold exclusively at this store.  The shop is's 3 stories tall. 

When we left the American Girl store, we were pretty close to Times Square so we headed there for dinner.  We started to eat at the Olive Garden, but after looking at their menu (about double the normal price), we ended up at McDonalds.  Not our preference, but at least we had dinner.  


When we got back to the RV park, the sky was finally clear enough to get a few good nighttime pictures of the Statue of Liberty and the Manhattan skyline.  This is the view from the RV park.....not so bad for only $80/night. 

 Goodbye NYC!

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