Saturday, May 11, 2013

Provincetown, MA

    Today we enjoyed a nice drive to the northern tip of the Cape Cod National Seashore.  There was a storm blowing in so we only had a few hours to look around.  The town at the very tip of the Cape is called Provincetown.  It is the place where the Pilgrims signed the Mayflower Compact, agreeing to settle and build a self-governing community.  There is a monument in remembrance of this event and you can climb to the top of it and see the entire northern Cape area.  On a clear day, you can even see the Boston skyline.  Michael, Jeremiah, and Isaiah climbed the monument but Michaela and I decided not to since it was incredibly windy and our skirts were blowing everywhere.  Ha, ha, ha...   You should have seen us trying to hold onto skirts and hats at the same time.  I'm sure we looked a little goofy!


     Parking is at a premium in this small coastal town.  Take a look at where we had to's a pier!  It seemed a little odd, but at least we did have an awesome view of the town and the water.

 We drove out to a beach called Race Point, and to our surprise saw a whale breaching off shore.  What a neat experience!  We watched it for about 20 minutes. 

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