Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Day of Rest

     Today, we took a day to just rest up a little and catch up on the laundry.  There was rain in the forecast for the entire day and we all just needed some time to relax.  I woke up around 8:00 but the others didn't wake up until around 9:45.  Even the kids were more tired than they realized.  I enjoyed the quiet time to myself.  I wrapped up in a blanket and read a book while listening to the rain on the roof.  It was quite pleasant.  Once the others got up, I made a good breakfast of biscuits, bacon, eggs, and sliced apples.  I guess you could call it brunch since we didn't eat until 11:00. 
     We gathered up the laundry and took it to the facility on the campground.  They only had two washers and two dryers.  The jeans filled up both washers and we still had several more loads to do so we decided to go to a laundromat in town and just do it all at once.  That ended up being almost as bad as just waiting for the machines in the campground.  The laundromat was very small and the dryers were horrible.  We probably spent almost $20 on those crazy machines.
     Here's an interesting side note.  The washers took two "loonies" to start (and no, I'm not referring to Michael and myself).  What is a loonie?  It is a Canadian one dollar coin.   Isn't that funny.  When we checked in at the campground, the owner was telling us about the washers here and he said they took loonies.  I didn't have a clue about what he meant so I asked.  He laughed and showed us the coin and then changed our American currency into some loonies to use in the machines.  The smallest Canadian bill is the $5 and they no longer use pennies either.  Totals are rounded to the nearest 5 cent. 

     After the laundry was finished, we went to Tim Horton's for a sweet treat.  Tim Horton's is basically the Canadian version of Dunkin' Donuts.  We each chose a couple of donuts and they were certainly delicious!
Next, we drove back into the wharf area in Digby to go to the fish market. This was our first experience with a place like this. It was just a little small building right near the pier. They get the scallops, fish, and lobster right from the fishermen and sell it to the public. It definitely smelled fishy in there! We bought 2 pounds of fresh local scallops and some haddock. We brought it back to the RV and cooked dinner. We had a delicious feast of pan seared scallops, red skin potatoes, zucchini and onions, and garlic bread! Yum, yum, yum!

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