Saturday, May 25, 2013

Nova Scotia - The South Shore (Part 2)

Mahone Bay & Peggy’s Cove Lighthouse

On Friday morning, we planned to get up early and see the sunrise over the ocean.  We set our clock for 5:25 and woke up to FOG!  And I mean thick fog!  There was nothing to see so we went back to bed.  Later, we drove into Mahone Bay to go to a farmer’s market they have on Friday mornings.  We got there and guess what….it was closed today.  At least we got a picture of the famous row of three churches side by side.  These three churches overlook the Mahone Bay with the town in the background and they are often photographed for their beauty.  It was still pretty foggy at that time, but I was able to get a couple of decent shots. 


We drove on towards Halifax to visit the Peggy’s Cove Lighthouse.  I had seen pictures of this place and it was a “must-see” on my list.  Unfortunately the fog didn’t lift on the drive there so visibility of it was limited but we could still appreciate the beauty of this spot. We climbed around on the rocks and enjoyed listening to the waves, but we were careful to heed the warnings about safety.   The waves are so powerful here.  This would be a beautiful place to spend a summer day having a picnic on the rocks with the waves crashing below.  Maybe we’ll come back someday. 
Near the lighthouse was a rock carving called “The Fishermen’s Memorial”.  It was carved by a local artist.


The kids had fun playing in a telephone booth nearby.  We’ve seen these all over the place.  They must be really popular around here.  We went into a couple gift shops and Michaela got a pearl necklace set.  You open the shell and get the pearl.  The color and size is a surprise.  She got a cream/peach colored one.  It is very pretty and she was thrilled with the necklace.



The small community of Peggy’s Cove sits in the shadows of the lighthouse and is one of the most picturesque we’ve seen.  It looks like something you’d see on a postcard. It’s so peaceful and calm.  It  was even beautiful with a blanket of fog. 


We saw another eagle on the way back to the RV.  It was only about half a mile from the campground. 



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