Saturday, May 25, 2013

Nova Scotia - The South Shore (Part 1)

The Ovens Natural Park

On Thursday, we drove south for about 4 hours to get to our next campground, The Ovens Natural Park.  It was rainy and dreary again and the roads were severely bumpy (as is the case with the majority of roads around here), but we finally made it just around noon.  Michaela wasn’t feeling good that morning so that made the drive even more challenging.  By late afternoon, she was herself again and we were thankful. 

It is off season for this campground so there is hardly anyone here.  We don’t mind though.  It’s kind of nice having the place all to ourselves.  It’s like being on a private beach with an awesome view.  The front windows of the RV look straight out over the water. 


The Ovens campground has several natural sea caves that you can hike to.  Some of these caves were enlarged when the gold rush hit this area in  the 1860’s.  After lunch, we hiked the trails and went into the caves.  The boys thought it was pretty neat but Michael sure didn’t want to stay in them long.  We could see where rocks had fallen in some areas and he didn’t want us to be the next casualty!

While walking the trails, we saw a lobster boat just off shore checking it’s traps.  We were able to get a few pictures of them hauling up the traps.  The waters here are full of lobster and whales.   We were told that the whale watching tours come right past where we are staying.  We haven’t seen any yet but hope to before we leave on Saturday. 
We made a simple dinner at the RV and then went for a walk on the beach .  It’s not sandy here but rather very rocky.  The ground is a mixture of granite and strange stacked rock that looks kind of like slate.  It’s like thin layers of rock stacked together vertically.  It will sometimes break off when you step on it.  You have to be careful where you step or you will fall or get cut.  We found lots more of the same small shells we saw in Bar Harbor but nothing big this time. 

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