Thursday, May 16, 2013

Acadia National Park


Today was all about nature.  We spent the day exploring parts of Acadia National Park.  Near the village of Bar Harbor, there is a sandbar that is exposed at low tide.  You can walk across it to get to Bar Island.  We walked across it and had lots of fun shell hunting.  There is a hiking trail on the island that we may do on another day.  We couldn’t do it today because the tide was coming back in and we didn’t want to get stranded on the island. 

We packed a picnic lunch and took it to the top of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park.  This is the highest point on the Atlantic coastline.  It was really beautiful up there.  You can see several small islands from the summit.  We even saw the sandbar that we had walked on earlier, but it was completely covered by water by that time.   There was a heavy fog rolling in over the islands so the islands are a little hard to see in the pictures.  Right before we left, the fog lifted and we were able to see a greater distance.  We met this nice seagull on the way up the mountain.  We pulled up right beside him and watched him for a long time.  We were only about 4 or 5 feet away but he never flew away. 




A waterfall by the side of the road.
Michael wants to move into this house....what a perfect location!

We also visited two other highlights of the park; Sand Beach and Thunder Hole.  The kids had a wonderful time watching the water come roaring in at Thunder Hole and trying to avoid the sea spray.  Michael and I agreed that this would be a wonderful spot for a picnic.  The sound of the waves was so relaxing.  Maybe we’ll go back tomorrow and take lunch or dinner with us. 




We’re really enjoying our time here in Bar Harbor.  It is so much nicer here than in the big cities.  If Nova Scotia is anything like this, the next couple of weeks will be amazing!  We wish all of our family and friends could be here to enjoy it with us!


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