Tuesday, May 7, 2013

New York City, here we come!

Goodbye beautiful farmland......hello big city. 
This morning we got an early start and pulled out of the campground by 8:00.  We are headed to Jersey City, NJ to Liberty Harbor RV park....which is actually just a big parking lot with water and electric.  We plan to stay there 3 or 4 days. 
Yesterday, we spent another relaxing day just driving around the many Amish farms in the Lancaster area.  We saw several covered bridges, Amish school houses, and lots of farmers plowing their fields.  Before lunch, we took a ride in an Amish buggy out to one of the local farms and the Amish driver told us all about the way the Amish farmers work the land and harvest their crops using mostly horse drawn equipment.  It was like looking back in history about 100 years.  There was a neat little shop at the farm and we bought a "Quillow", a quilt that folds up into a neat couch pillow.  We didn't get to take any pictures on the buggy ride because the Amish do not like to have their picture taken. 
After lunch, we drove to Beiler's Grocery, a small Amish grocery store.  We bought a homemade chicken pot pie and some farmer's cheese which we ate for dinner.  It was delicious!  
Isaiah and Jeremiah are both having sinus trouble.  We think it may be from all of the crops in bloom in the Lancaster area.  Hopefully they will feel better when we are away from all of the farms.  Today we are going to try to go to the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty.  It's supposed to be raining the next couple of days, but we are praying the weather will change so we can enjoy the rest of the city.  
Life on the farm....I love this picture!



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